Sunday, April 29, 2007


Who was the first person to talk to you about God? What effect did this have on you?
Knowing my mom, I heard about God while she was pregnant with me! With both of my parents being ordained ministers I heard about God all my life! We lived on campus of a Bible School that my dad was the director of. We had maids in our home who were students in the Bible School, and very much a part of our lives. There was chapel every day that we often attended. We had family devotions daily. There we all (four other siblings) had different versions of the Bible, including Spanish! You can imagine the discussions about God that came with reading all these different versions! Who was the first person...I am sure my parents, but I would count all these others and all my Sunday School teachers and children's church teachers, and all the students on campus as an integral part of teaching me about God!

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