Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Name

Who gave you your name and why? Did you have a family nickname? How did you get it?
My parents gave me my name. I don't know that I ever heard the why, but after this question I may ask them about that. My mother did have fun with my name and I still love my name because it had/has meaning. My name was Joyce Carol Bryant. Bryant means strong and Joyce means joyful and Carol means song. My mom called me a strong joyful song. I do tend to be on the joyful side and I tend to have a very strong singing voice!!!!!!
Because I was such a good reactor my siblings gave me lots of nicknames. Freckle Face, Tamale Feet, Echo Cavern....are a few of the ones I remember! I was the fourth out of five kids. My oldest brother, Ken, never chimed in on those nick names.

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