Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Bedroom

Describe your childhood bedroom. What was the view from your window?
I moved a lot as a child but the earliest room I remember was at Caracol in Coban, Guatemala. I shared the room and bed with my sister. We had two windows at the corner of the room. On one side we could see the girls dorm with a flower garden in front of it. Flowers were picked from this garden to decorate the church on Sunday morning. In front of the garden, closer to our house was a tall swing we would swing on as well as the girls in the dorm. Even closer yet to our house was a clothesline. My poor mom had clothes on there a lot. With five kids at home and rain literally every day she would have to hang, bring in , hang again all the time!
The other window allowed us to see several peach trees on our side of the fence and a coffee plantation on the other side of the fence.

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